Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Adventures at the Op Shop ...

So on the weekend I felt we needed to get out and about, do something, together, anything!! Jaimee had been couped up all week, home from school with a nasty throat virus thing, yik! Madison would have a better weekend if we can break it up a bit with some kind of outing and Ad is always up for anything.

We hadn't been for ages so we headed off to one of the Op shops on the coast. I love going op shopping and it's something that interests everyone in our little family. You will always find something out of the ordinary and a bit exciting at an Op shop. Yes there may be a fair bit of crap too but that's when I have to put on my sorting brain and decipher, do I really need that!!

The big charity shop at Kunda Park.

You see I am trying to change an old habit. I am from a long line of hoarders, my mum is going to kill me, but it's true, hahaha, she really is going to kill me. Don't worry mum, we haven't put you on a reality TV show yet so you must be pretty safe, so far :) I'm trying to break the cycle, my little sis too, although Bek is very good at getting rid of stuff already, huh, maybe she has already fixed 
her habit! 

My habit is nothing like what you see on those TV shows, mum or nan's either. Although the old ducks are from an era of the depression so it is understandable that they would keep and reuse what they have. Which is a really good thing in this day and age.

It only becomes a problem I think when you don't get rid of things and keep adding to the pile of stuff. To mum's credit she did recently have a massive sort out of her worldly possessions and was very pro active in the throwing out and giving away of items, so proud. So if she can do it I must be able to too!! There is hope yet. Adam will be so pleased, bwahhaa!!

I have had a massive pile of stuff in the middle of our garage for awhile now and was going to have a garage sale, great idea but in my to hard basket. So to Ad's dismay I actually re-used some of the furniture, although I did tell him that I had just saved him lots of dollars because I wouldn't have to buy new stuff, so he was happy again then. I boxed up a lot of things and gave to the girls schools, lots of bits to charity and of course off loaded a bit to Bek, Hehe!

I am all about recycling, up-cycling and re-using and saving the dollars where ever we can these days. I have been keeping track of what we spend over that last few months and it does come as a real shock as to how much gets wasted. That is a story for another time though!!

In that pile of stuff was an old desk I had actually had when I was about 15 years old. Jaimee has had it in the past but then she wanted an upgrade to something a bit more modern being in high school now. We have this great big window looking out into the backyard and we have nature reserve behind our home. Perfect spot for me to sit and write on my blog. So I will be busy up-cycling my old desk in the next few weeks but I am going to need something to go with the desk.

So I was on the hunt for a chair, something old school, a bit vintage. I guess I did have an ulterior motive behind going on our Op shop outing! It was a good outing too, haha.

Madison found something cool and her size, she had fun for ages with the pool table. See the bowling balls behind her, she must have picked up about 3 or 4 of them. Jaimee was juggling the bowling balls there at one stage trying to prevent Madison from dropping them on her little toes.

She is a good big sister and kept putting the balls back on the shelf as fast as Madison was getting them off the shelf! Lots of giggling go on from Madison as she thought it was a great game, while Jaimee was looking at me to be saved. Poor kid!! There was also a dart board there which was fun but a little bit too intense, we moved on pretty fast after the darts.

Ad is always on the look out for golf bits and books.
Jaimee was checking out the roller blades and ice skates.


Lookie, lookie what I found, Awesome!!!

Madison loves looking at all the toys and often jags something cool. Awesome find, the hippo off Madagascar.

Adam trying to keep up with Madison

Perfect hiding place, under a petticoat. 

Jaimee found were the jewels where pretty quick.

Indiana Jones, I found your hat, were are you!!

I'll just put it there on that big dolls face!! I see something else I like.

Thought these were cool, my sis fishes for these and I though my friend Denise would appreciate them too. 

See this little square retro table, I would have brought that home with me if Adam wasn't with us, damn! Those canisters on the other table are so gorgeous I could have had them too. See, I need my thinking brain cause I run into trouble fairly often, I get too swoony over vintage things. 

Love these old suitcases, mum use to have one like that green one. We use to catch the train when I was little to Gloucester to visit Nanna & Grandad with it.
Love the camping table too. 

Look what came home to live with us! I found my new chair, to be fair I had my birthday dollars from Bek, so Happy Birthday to me again.
Love it so so much. 


We had a fun afternoon out, I think we were there for an hour or so. Madison loves the op shops and when we got home she wanted to go again. Me too but Ad can only handle one shop at a time, haha!

Madison was awesome while we were out, no dramas, no meltdowns, no banging things, no throwing stuff. It was a very cruisey afternoon. Which makes it just that little bit easier to get out the door next time for a family outing.

Don't you just love the chair, I wonder what it's history is, who had it, we're they someone famous or important. Love the endless possibilities and the romance of an old fashion story that could go with this chair.

So happy, it doesn't take much, just a day like this!



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