Jaimee off to school and Madison home for one more day, she just wasn't quite right and there was swimming at school. Best the kid stays home rather than get sick again and the thought of poor Miss Andrea & Miss Tracey doing battle to try and get her to miss out on swimming! That was never gonna happen my friends.
Madison wanting daddy home every 5 minutes, crying in the shower for an hour :( My poor little darling.
Skyping with Ad, he has made it safe and sound. Longest travel day ever, tired but happy. The plane flights we good and India is chaos!
This as good as it gets, dinner together! Jaimee is on her iPod live streaming Minecraft and Madison is watching barnyard, the making of the movie. My little geeky spectrum girls, perfect and happy:) what more could I ask for. Maybe we could have the daddy back sooner that would make it perfecter, is that a word or did I just make it up, ha!
Madison in the shower for the 3rd time, might ring the gas people and get an early delivery.
Madison is either a astronaut or a scuba diver, she makes me laugh :) |
Tuesday ...
Madison back to school, not an easy start as it is still dark when I got her up at 6.00am and the "No School" routine begins.
Jaimee off to school.
Me madly playing catch up with the house work and the grocery run.
Ahhhh, a cup of tea and catching up on my favourite blogs.
So Madison was pretty stoked on Tuesday afternoon when we had our friend big Humphrey come for another sleepover. Big Humphrey and mini Humphrey hit it off exceptionally well, no growling or biting.
Can't say the same about our adorable Madison. Apparently Tuesday was the day for tipping over her desk at school, a bit of cat claw scratching and oh, let's not forget the biting of the teacher, so sorry Miss Andrea!
Sharing a icy pole with friends. |
Just hanging out watching a movie. |
Having a little snuggle. |
Wednesday ...
Can't believe it, the J girl home sick again. This time the allergies have struck us both down, damn hay fever and damn the change of weather.
Madison has school photos, crazy morning getting ready, trying to do hair, bother! and the first time I have actually had our bus friend Cheryl knock on the door to see if we were ok!
Making Chicken soup with heaps of vegies to make me feel better. Pity the girls wont eat it, Jaimee said it looks like something else, I'd rather not say what! I admit it wasn't pretty in the end but I assure you it was yum and healthy and the best thing to have when its cold and I'm sick too!
My chicken and vegie soup, still need to add the soup mix lentils. |
Thursday ...
Jaimee and I dragging ourselves off to the chemist to get hay fever cures! Nasal spray and antihistamines.
Crushing up a antihistamine in red cordial so Jaimee would have it. The girl has a tablet phobia and medicine is always a hard issue to deal with. It could be the tiniest tablet in the world the kid will still freeze up and freak out.
Skyping with Ad, he has been sad, telling me stories of poverty and the not so magical side of India.
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This is just around the corner from were Ad is staying in India. |
Thank god, Madison had a good day at school. I have proof :)
Jaimee attempting to stop the runny nose, bwwhahha, naughty mummy:)
Love it! Jaimee really needs to take out one of her ear buds so she can hear her mum sneaking up for a photo, haha!! |
Friday ...
Jaimee being extremely disappointed to call off the sleepover she had planned with friends. Next weekend.
Again, dragging our sorry stuffy heads and sneezy noses off to the shops as the weather has turned cold and poor Jaimee has no winter gear as she has for some reason, grown. In and out as fast as we could, and I got new slippers, fist pumps, whoohhoo! Think its the hay fever, ekkk!
Talking Porn with Jaimee, Bwwahaa!! She clicked on one of those ad's when she was on YouTube, nothing hard core just enough for her to flip out and be weirded out, haha! Love it when shit gets real and the conversation just flow with no awkwardness.
Indy freaking out!
New slipper, wintery warmness. |
Saturday ...
Ahhhh the serenity, Me happily playing with this blog and all is quiet! Hmmm me thinking this is to good to be true.
Skyping with Ad, xxxx
Indy in a barking kinda a mood and freaking out again, thinking I'm going to give him one of his vallium tablets if he cant settle.
Jaimee watching nail art tutorials and wanting to do my hair. I hate my hair being brushed bit like Madison who really hates it! The kid always gets dreadlock just above her ears because she like to tuck it behind her ears. The scissors come out every now and then. She wont wear her hair any other way and now would like to have hair like Jaimee, long!
Madison being ever so good and happily doing her own thing, think it's because there is no school on Saturdays. Or something is brewing.
Madison delivering me a cup of wee. Me promptly removing all types of vessels from her bedroom. She went through a phase awhile a go were she would pee in just about anything that would hold it, haha, well not funny at the time. I swiftly remove any types of objects but this time she went in the bathroom and got one of the cups she plays with in the bath. Thank god it wasn't out of the kitchen hey! Pheww.
Jaimee's nail art. |
Sunday ...
Nice sleep in till 7.00am, bloody dog started barking, will be threatening him again with the vallium.
Easy morning, like easy mornings!!
Baked some Gluten Free Dairy Free Banana muffins for Madison and me, smells so good when they are in the oven, hope the neighbour are jealous, hehe.
Madison happily drawing in her books while watching a parade of all her favourite movie characters on You Tube in Mexico. I'm sure this kid can understand other languages, she does watch a lot of things in many different languages but she will also change the language setting on her little TV to which ever suits her at the time. God, I'd love to know what she understands and what she doesn't!!
Jaimee wanted some home made damper but she settled for scones with choc chips. These are the real deal, full of gluten and dairy, Ad will be upset he is missing out. They normally wouldn't last 10 minutes sitting on the bench.
Jaimee's nice new winter snuggly pyjamas, poor kid still not well. I hope this is it now for the sickness till spring.
One week down & 5 to go till Daddy comes home.
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